From the editors

  • Events

    Join us to launch ERB Issue Three, at events in Berlin and Amsterdam

  • Bad writing advice

    Writing advice is everywhere. Some of it might even be good! But we were interested in the bad.

  • Found in translation

    Or, the art of the error

  • Kill your darlings

    Like plots in a garden cemetery, with lamentations, good-riddances or other epitaphs.

  • Welcome to the ERB

    A greeting from the editors. We hope you like what we’ve made.

  • The pinnacle of cartography is the pinnacle of uselessness

    « Europe », drawn from memory or intuition. Thick and thin strokes of charcoal: a nod to the coal and steel on which the polity of modern Europe is founded. But more mystical, too: these drawings represent « the conviction that simple tools can grant us the power to face the god of paper. »

  • The ordinary jacket of today

    The ERB doesn’t stand in competition with magazines we love; it joins them, and does so in admiration. This project has made us encounter literary magazines we hadn’t read before and discover beautiful magazines in languages we wish we could read.

  • On the anti-poetry of « crowdfunding campaign »

    Kickstarting used to be something you did to an engine. To « kickstart » the European Review of Books makes it feel like we’re riding a motorcycle in World War I. But we only want peace!