Sander Pleij
« Ça ira! There will be fire and enthusiasm in you »
published in
In search of Anthon van Rappard, Vincent van Gogh’s forgotten friend.
On Natalia Ginzburg’s Valentino
published in
On Natalia Ginzburg’s Valentino, newly translated: a Q&A with Alexander Chee.
« When I was silent… » — Interview with Sulaiman Addonia
published in
Stop! I am doing what they all do: presenting writer Sulaiman Addonia as one-who-has-suffered, because he grew up as a refugee. It is a problem of genre. Suffering has become an interviewer’s crutch.
Of Anders & Kreuzwendedich
published in
On two tales of racial metamorphosis, salted or sugared, one hundred years apart.
No pity
published in
The documentary When spring came to Bucha reaches beyond common representations of war and one-dimensional victimhood.