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Europe Special 2024 – Extra Edition
June 2024

This extra edition is adorned with the Europe-maps that were created for the ERB by the architect Rem Koolhaas and our designer, Patrick Doan. We’ve included the ERB’s best writing on Europe. With Europas and bulls, the EU going to church, Liythuania: the thirty times loser of the Eurovision Song Contest, the puzzle of who'll speak European, Curzio Malaparte and an editor that keeps a €0-bill in his wallet...

Europas & bulls
The Editors

A logo might start as a designer’s whim. Only then does one look for meanings to fill it with. On Europas: mythic, artistic, fictional, political, psychological, satirical, and finally unfinished.

Cretan Europa’s second coming
Kalypso Nicolaïdis

Citizen’s day in Fiesole, December 2021. In the EU, Christian Europe stands in quantum superposition, both here and not here. Can Cretan Europa help us imagine better futures?

« We are the winners of Eurovision »
Justina Buskaitė

Lithuania has lost the Eurovision Song Contest thirty times.

« Mes esame Eurovizijos nugalėtojai »
Justina Buskaitė

Lietuva pralaimėjo Euroviziją trisdešimt kartų.

¿Quién hablará Européen? Un puzle
Arman Basurto

La capital de Europa es, en ese sentido, un espejo cóncavo que devuelve un reflejo concentrado (y algo deforme) de la imagen que proyecta el continente.

Who will speak European? A puzzle
Arman Basurto

Brussels is a concave mirror that returns a concentrated (and somewhat distorted) reflection of the projection of its continent.

Flags & bones
Mathieu Segers

On Curzio Malaparte’s Europe — and ours. The midcentury novelist read anew, on war’s aftermath and transatlantic romance. What was, or is, « postwar Europe », anyway?

Vlaggen & botten
Mathieu Segers

Over het Europa van Curzio Malaparte – en het onze. Een nieuwe lezing van het oeuvre van de schrijver, over de nasleep van oorlog en een transatlantische romance. Wat is dit « naoorlogse Europa » eigenlijk?

€ 0
George Blaustein

No one would have understood both the sentiment and the absurdity more keenly than Marx himself, whose face has adorned real currencies in more countries than anyone else’s, with the possible exception of Elizabeth II.

Reviewed in this issue