The Barren Nothing-Place
published in
On growing up in the creases of bilingual versions of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land
The pulverization of memory
published in
Write your memoir in a hostile tongue. On Marina Jarre, from Latvia to Italy and back.
No man’s land
published in
On Edda Mussolini & fashionable fascism. Can a woman be dangerous yet powerless?
On Kafkaesque pedagogy
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Not the nightmare one might instinctively expect. Franz Kafka and Stig Dagerman on parenthood vs. educatorhood: who can educate a child?
published in
The great storm surge is coming, it has always been coming in the borderland between Denmark and Germany. Here, Danish writer Dorthe Nors visits the Frisian Wadden Sea island of Sylt, as part of her travels along the North Sea coast.
All is not vanity
published in
Lose, delete, restore. What to remember when everything is always, forever, in a digital now?